Last weekend of the Challenge and time to clear off anything on the workbench that is close to done. It's kinda like shelf soup or leftover day, a mix of everything.
First up a trip of nominally 28mm Wizkids monsters for my Beowulf RPG. These have been sitting around finished or nearly so in some cases since January, but weren't as satisfactory as some of my other beowulf baddies. We have a troll, an earth elemental and a Sea Hag,

I tried to get a different green effect on this troll from his skinnier compadre posted earlier. I'm not quite happy with the results but he's big green and ugly, and I'm pretty sure I've seen him pushing Chaos Space Marines around a 40K battlefield. The earth elemental is a nice figure but I kinda whiffed on my attempted morph into a elemental from the sea bed for a Beowulf adventure. I had ambitions of sculpting the base with modelling gel so that the broken rocks looked more wave like but in the end went for a paint conversion. I gave him a green wash to represent marine growths and overdid the gloss medium applied over top. The Se Hag came in the same pack as the Bheur Hag posted earlier. Unlike her sister (which has a Disney villainous vibe) the Sea Hag lacks character and has more of a Zombie Luau dancer vibe.

Next up a set of 28mm Bad Squiddo Women of WW2 ATA members with rifles, and an NCO from attached to a Highland regiment. They are great figures, but not as colourful as the other packs in the Kickstarter I back (i.e Lumberjills and Pig ladies). I am not sure of the uniform colours but am unlikely to ever field them on table and they look ok.
And finally a Wizkids 28mm well and Bad Suiddo Land Girls Rat catcher. Yes she is proudly showing off her collection of dead rats which have been strung together and are draped over her shoulders. I am not sure what to make of a woman who smiles so broadly while wearing a lei of dead rodents, but this sculpt is based on a period photo. Lots of character but kind of disturbing, particularly as in the Miss Marple rural England universe she might be your Great Aunt Sally or Mrs Jones from down the lane.
So that's 7 regular 28mm figures (the 6 Bad Squiddo ladies and the Hag) for 35 points plus the well (5 points as being about the size of a 28mm figure or maybe 1-2 points as terrain.) and 2 two bigger figures. My previous troll was counted as a 54mm figure so I suggest the same for these two. The hag, troll and elemental would count towards the fantasy duel.