Sylvain looks perplexed late in the game. His troops (in the churchyard in the distance) are getting hammered in a fire fight in the distance. Mine (in the churchyard closest to camera) are winning the musketry battle but getting slaughter by artillery. |
This past weekend Curt ran an awesome huge Sharp Practice game based on the church at Aspern in 1809. Full scenario details can be found over at
Curt's blog. My shots are included here.
This was an amazing game and full points to Curt for organizing it. Figures are from Curt's and Greg's collections. The building are mixed media (foam core, card and balsa) constructed by Sylvain and painted by Curt. The french were played by myself (left flank), Sylvain (right flank) and Jeremy (in the buildings and reserve initially). Greg (main assault) and Stacey (facing my flank) took the Austrians.
First wave of Austrians set out to assault Sylvain's forces. |
Close up of Curt's figures. The Austrian could come from any of three sides so we needed to cover all of these |
Close up of the church yard on my flank. Stacey assaults the wall but is repulsed. |
Second (or third) wave of Austrians set to assault. The Austrians got to come back at full strength to recognize a new wave coming up. We french kept getting whittled down. We held the first two assaults , barely held the third and would have been swept by the fourth and final assault when we called end of play. |
My starting positions. Again trying to cover all angles. |
Another shot of Stacey's assault, this was in the first wave. He had a second formation to the right of this one but I managed to shoot them up nicely and they never got closer. |