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6 Croats plus one Lady (not painted for the Challenge) |
It's been an odd week, I cancelled my first class Thursday morning so that my students could get their selfies taken with Justin Trudeau. He was on campus at the University of Regina this morning and buggered up the hallways with huge traffic jams.
A small post from me this week, as I've been delayed by real life and other distractions. I have 6 Seven Years War Croats in 28mm. I have based their uniform on the Banal-Grenzinfanterieregiment nr. 1 but named them in honour of their place of origin, The Duchy of Tragardland an Imagination on the Blogosphere. I had intended to have these be my East bonus round entry, but such is life.
Late last year Alan over at the Duchy posted on his blog, enquiring about the Westphalia Maria Theresa figure that he had seen various places. Challenge veterans will recall that this figure was supplied to Challenge participants a few years back. I had actually painted my copy, but Curt had given me a second. The original (with orb and sceptre removed) was panted to act as a well to do civilian lady, and appeared in one of my Sharp Practice games set in the SYW. Curt was so pleased to see her on table that he gave me a second (I could actually do with thirds if there's one going Curt). So the replacement was offered up to Alan in exchange for something from his lace wars lead pile. I didn't know what that would be until it arrived.
Shortly after New Years a strange package appeared with a Tragardland Postal Office return address, much to my wife's amusement. Inside were these 6 Croats in payment for the Queen and Empress. They arrived painted in a tin soldier style in a mix of uniforms from several Grenzer regiments. However, time in the lead pile and travel had taken their toll on the paintwork, so I decided to strip them down and repaint them. Amusing my wife yet again with a request for Detol and a mason jar, I got them back to bare metal and painted them up as shown. First time in a long time I'd stripped minis and the first time using Detol. It worked quite well with a little scrubbing using my daughter's toothbrush.
I didn't recognize the figures, but according to Alan they are Eagle Figures with the exception of a Front Rank Officer. Eagle's minis date originally from the 80s but I had not encountered them before. I found the sculpts rather muddy in detail and a bit of a chore to paint. In the end I went kind of tin soldierish too and it seemed to suit them.
These don't officially fit in with any project that I am working on (or plan to), but I reckon there's wiggle room to field these in my SYW Kleine Krieg games which are focused on the Western campaigns. First of all the Austians sent several columns into Western Germany during the SYW, far enough West that the British-Hanoverian-Allied armies had to make counter moves. So one option is that they were in the advance guard of one of these columns and got detached so linked up with the French. Another possibility if to have them acting as a unit of light Infantry Volontaires in the French army, some of which wore pretty colourful uniforms.
So that's 6 28mm figures on foot for 30 points. Next week I'll having something more to post.