
Friday, March 21, 2014

War of 1812 US 13th Infantry

So I got these guys finished just in time for the final deadline for the 4th Analogue Painting Challenge.  These are 16 members of the US 13th Infantry from the War of 1812.  The are Victrix figures from the British Peninsula infantry boxes, with heads from the Victrix artillery box wearing the Belgic Shako.  Let's just say that the honeymoon is over with Victrix and I have deliberately not given any closeups of this unit.  I think that I've got bits from 3 different Victrix sets with torsos from the flank company box with left over arms from the centre company box.

For the 13th I gave them the regulation blue coat - the coats are blue but my lighting and camera skills give them a purples hue.  I have used the Belgic shako to represent the false fronted "Tombstone" shako adopted by the US regs in 1813.

Loki has mentioned the Fat Lady Singing.  Hopefully at our house Sadie (picture enclosed) will be singing- she's not over sized but certainly has some nice curves.  No Fat Ladies singing, only an out of shape middle aged dude bashing out Beatles songs on a guitar. 

Thanks for running the Challenge Curt.  Have a large glass of something strong - you've earned it.


  1. The figures look pretty good to my eyes. You are correct though. Assembling lots of tiny metal and plastic bits is, to use polite language, a challenge. Love the guitar. Shame you don't live closer. I've got a Hofner violin bass, a Traynor tube amp, and a hankering to sing some Beatles tunes myself, but strangely no interest in my neck of the woods for starting up a new incarnation of The Indras. Sigh.

    Best Regards,


    1. We do seem to share interests. We'd just need a drummer and a Rickenbacker 12-string! I saw Macca live last summer and the Hofner was featured in a lot of songs. I was also glad to see the '65 Casino make an appearance too.
      Cheers, PD

  2. Nice work, great colors, and great looking flags too!

    1. Thanks Phil
      The flags were downloaded from the Warflag site

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks but nothing like the wonderful stuff that you've pumped out!
      Cheers, PD
