
Monday, March 17, 2014

Painting Challenge "Last Stand"

For the final themed round, we go with "Last Stand".  My entry is a 30s B-movie hero facing imminent doom at the end of the serial episode.   What is he facing, well that's up to the viewer's interpretation - but my wife has provided one version, to be revealed later .

The figure is (IIRC) another WI freebie in 28mm by Copplestone from his Back of Beyond range.  He's clearly an aviator (bi plane likely) with his sheepskin lined boots, jacket helmet and goggles.  To keep with the B-movie feel I painted him in neutrals and browns to get a sepia tone to the figure.  However, I used metallics for his revolver, belt buckle and google lenses.  The pure white scarf is likely a token from a lady.  Overall I am pretty pleased with the result.

So Lynne decided that my aviator's doom should not be left to the viewer's imagination and suggested that he face off with a giant rat, so I have which I've attempted to capture this on film.  Ardee the pack rat is a Folkmanis puppet.  His very sociable, and regularly chats my ear off.


  1. A great figure, love his scarf flapping in the wind.

    1. Thanks Ray
      I was happy with the scarf.
      Cheers, PD

  2. "Ummm, excuse me, Mr. Pack Rat, have you seen a giant ape by the name of King Kong? I am sure this is the right island."
    Very impressive figure, Andrew. He would pair off well against a certain German lady aviator I'm just finishing.

    1. I am sure that the rate comes from a similar island. He would also work with your lady adventurer.
      Cheers, PD

  3. Nice! Give him a moustache and he could step into Tom Selleck's role of O'Malley in High Road to China.

  4. Looks great, love the wind effect!

  5. Priceless! Will our hero survive the attack of the giant fluffy rat with knapsack...

  6. Thanks all. Michael A I think I'll need to come up with a next installment.
    Cheers, PD
