
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Late Romans vs Barbarians AAR

 I knew it had been a while since I posted anything, but didn't think it had been as long as five months.  I had a busy end of term (176 students in a first year calculus class with many suspected cheating incidents) and then a busy spring with Garden prep and travel.

A week or so back I ran a To The Strongest game over at Curt's clubhouse feature my late Roman era British toys.  Player numbers were down due to stomach issues (must find a better place for the latrine) but we had Curt running a conspiracy of Scots-Irish, Picts and Attacotti vs Sylvain's Romans.  it was a straight up class with roughly equal armies and no particular scenario objectives.

After deployment.  The mass of barbarians to the left, the defenders of Britannia to the right.

Close up as the Roman cavalry commander gives a pep talk.

The Irish on Curt's right.  We had to adjust things a bit as his war bands are deep and he couldn't fit two of them in the same box. 

Sylvain ponders his moves.  The hills were gentle but the woods were rough terrain, as was the stone circle.  Note the cup with the victory medals.

Sylvain pushed his luck and advanced his cavalry.  We pull numbered chits from a bag rather than roll dice but the gods were definitely with Sylvain this game.  Note the blue marker marking the edge of the world which Sylvain is using to advantage - I'll be making the battlefield wider and deployment areas narrower to counter this cheesiness in future.

The Pict commander rides past the stone circle in his chariot along side accompanying a unit of light cavalry.  This warlord had disastrously bad luck.  Kudos to terraformer Sylvain who sculpted the neolithic monuments for me.

Another shot as the cavalry ride along the edge of the world.  Sylvain sculpted the dolmen too, which we also classified as difficult.

Things were looking good for Curt here, he swung a war band into the side of the cavalry before they could turn.  The cavalry were disordered but Curt missed several chances for the kill thanks to Sylvain's saving rolls.

The Picts advance.  Sylvain refused his right flank ala Freddie the Great.

The Atacotti charge the fortified Roman camp.  They took out the original ballista crew defenders but by that time Sylvain moved some veteran Auxiliaries in behind.  Again Curt was inches from glory but couldn't quite get the kill.  Note that the camp should have been back a grid row on Sytlvain's baseline. 

Curt's javelin men occupy the dolmen as the cavalry rushes by,

The melee with the Cavalry wing gets messier.  Having held on the lead unit turns, and the following unit advanced up to take one Irish unit after another in the flank, taking down Curt's senior general in the end.

More glory for the Attoctti who have eliminated some archers and are coming on the flank of an Auxiliary unit.

I somehow managed to miss the key moment, the end of which can be seen behind the camp in the last photo.

Curt brought the Pict Light Cavalry up with their attached general to skirmish with and threaten the Roman missle troops to the right of the camp. Unfortunately they halted just short of caring, but had time next turn unless Sylvain achieved a miracle.  He made two difficult maneuvers running to charge the lights with an infantry unit.  Curt failed to evade (needing 3+ out of 10) and then doubled down by failing the reroll afforded by his general.  Sylvain hit and Curt missed his save, killing the unit.  He then had to roll for the general needed a 3+ to survive, and if course failing that two.   

There was lots of drama and it was at times a close run thing, but in the end Curt couldn't overcome the loss of two generals on top of his other unit losses.  A victory to Sylvain who best not push his luck with the dice gods (or his GM) next game. 


  1. It has been a long time! Good to see you back at the gaming table and hosting a game. Lovely armies.

    1. Thanks very much Jonathon. I promise that it won't be so long before the next one. I am quite pleased about how the whole project painted up and came together.

  2. no reroll on an evade
    no 2 deep warbands in 1 box
    otherwise nice report

    1. I figured the evade redo wasn't quite Kosher but didn't want to slow down play to check the rules. Also as GM I thought it was in keeping to give the Roman a Mulligan. In the end it didn't affect the result as he failed the do-over too!

      The overstocked deep unit issue was fixed immediately after the photo was taken! I just hadn't noticed previously.

  3. Ah! There is life on the prairies! :)

    No doubt being armed with 'missals' helped the Romans in that final fight . :)

    1. Not dead yet and playing weekly when I can. But since June 1 I've missed 4 Friday games travelling to Vancouver, Halifax and Portland OR, two being sick or smoked out and one on a date night.

      Thanks for catching the autocorrect! I'll fix that.

  4. Ah, very impressive gaming with excellent figures and terrain, Peter! Much larger scale than Saga gaming. Something to aspire to.

    1. Thanks Dean. Small units and lots of Plastic figures made an achievable project.

  5. It was a fun game, Peter. I thought I may have had Sylvain's Romans in a tight spot early on, but the luck wasn't there for me in the end. Ah well, we'll lick our wounds, drink some mead, and put what heads we have on spears for the next time out. :)

    1. It was fun and you were a good sport given the way the luck ran

  6. Good to see you posting again Peter, and an insight into To The Strongest too - a game I'm repeatedly tempted by, tbh. The miniatures and game look excellent in your photos, and clearly you had a good time - as well as the luck. LOL!!!

    1. Thanks Blax! I’m getting such good feedback that I need to do this again. I was but the GM, it was Sylvain with the devils luck. I’m really pleased how well and quickly this project came together, as I really started on a whim and on the cheap. We’ve had good games with TTS and it’s fantasy and ECW variants. Quick play, gives a good game and reasonable results.

  7. Splendid looking late Roman/ barbarian game, I really have to paint mine soon!
    Best Iain
