
Thursday, February 9, 2023

AHPC Post 7 Late Roman Watchtower


A cohort of Tungrians mans the ramparts 

I was travelling for 4 days this week, so only a small offering in the form of this 28mm Roman Watchtower.  As with most of my BUAs it is a Sarissa pdf kit which went together nicely and painted up well.

It's not as substantial as a Saxon Shore fort or Milecastle on the Wall, but should be useful in scenario applications or as table dressing.  The whitewash with red brick trim comes from Osprey books on the Saxon Shore forts and the Wall, but is also confirmed by serious history books written by respected academics. 

The interior space nicely fits one of my 60mm square bases.  The top floor removes so that you can access the first (UK) or second (rest of the world) floor.

Interior view.  

I added some minimal ground cover, except that under the stairs looks like a place blackberries would grow.  I also added some grammatically correct graffiti to the back wall.  See this following link for a reference (incidentally when my daughter was having trouble conducting verbs int French immersion I used this clip as a teaching aide)....

Points wise this measures out to about 1/2 a terrain cube. I'd give the math but I don't want to cause pain to Greg, so we'll go with the "here's where the miracle occurs" method common among my students when approaching proofs.