
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

AHPC XIII Post 4 : Roman Lanciarii


Second post for me this week, a group of 6 Lanciariiiii for my Late Romans.  These are 28mm plastics, mostly from the fairly new Victrix boxed set plus a few add ons from Gripping Beast plastic Romans (shields and a head or too).

Lanciarii were detachments of Legionaries or Auxiliaries told off to form a skirmish line much like the Napoleonic Light companies.  The name references the use of the lancea, a light throwing spear.    I've also thrown in a couple with plumbata, essentially militarized lawn darts with a lead weight added for extra distance and punch.  I again painted shields to match up with Legio Secunda Britannica.

I am normally late to the game on new figure releases, but when Victrix released Unarmoured Roman Infantry this year I was pretty quick on the PayPal switch.  They make an interest contrast to the Gripping Beast Plastic Roman Infantry.  Comparisons are summarized below.

  • Gripping Beast are better value, 40 figures for 24 quid vs 36 figures for 34 quid.
  • The GB box includes torsos for armoured spear/swordsmen, unarmoured spear/swordsmen and archers while the Victrix has no archers and they are mostly unarmoured.  Consequently there's less variety of poses to form a single unit using the GB figures, but this gives them, a more "regular" appearance.
  • Both kits come with lots of possible head and arm/weapon combos.   The GB he's are all "roman" and include some in Pannonian caps which Victrix lacks.  Victrix does both Roman and Barbarian heads.  So far it appears that heads and arms can be swapped about between ranges.
  • The GB torsos have the sleeve and should decoration carved in, while these have to be painted on the Victrix figures.  Therefore GB make good Romans or deserters, while Victrix figures can double as Germanic tribes. 
  • I think both boxes are good and useful, and I'll like buy more of each.

The 30 points will count for two Side Duels (Carausius Emperor of Britain and SPQR) and I'll fill in the requisite forms once they go live.

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