
Friday, January 20, 2023

AHPC XIII Post 1: Late Roman Cheiroballistrae For 80s Retro (60 Points)


It always takes a while for me together my first post on the Challenge no matter how small I make it.  My last uni exam was written on December 22nd and by the time I had it marked it was late on the 23rd and then there's Christmas, etc. whine.....

Anyway I have two Late Roman cheiroballistrae (sp?)with crews for my first post.  I am not intending to focus too much on the Studio map but will take the theme lot points when and where these are available so I will count this as 80s Retro.  Back in 1980 Halifax, 18 year old me took a windy route home from my first year Philosophy Class (Death and the Mind) to stop in at a new Hobby Shop.  Turned out that this was run by Ross MacFarlane of gameofmonth a regular gaming partner for the next 18 years before I moved very far west.  One of the games were played back in the 80s was WRG Ancients 6th Edition using Ross' Late Romans and then later Greeks and Persians.

The models are 28mm Gripping Beast metals.  The ballistas went together easily enough once I downloaded the picture from the GB website and the crews were nicely cast.  I like the age old trope of the grunts doing the heavy work on the coffee grinder winches while the officers kneel around and look important.  I free handed shields to match two of my infantry units.  The bolt shooters themselves would be more use against elephants or cataphracts than against unarmored Celts, but do give a longer range and with some punching power.

Exculcatores Iunores Britanniciani

Legio Secunda Britannica

I also found six members of my first ever 25mm ancients unit.  Greek slingers for my Spartan army of Agesilaus II in Asia Minor.  Slingers are Ral Partha, the flautist is a Minifig. They were painted 42 years ago but have seen action on table in the last 10 years.

Points wise I make it 

  • two crew served weapons @10=20
  • 4 foot figures @5=20
  • 1 theme lot @20
  • Total =60 points

The non-theme points will go against the SPQR and Carausius Emperor of Britain side duels.