
Sunday, January 19, 2020

18th Century Vignette for Curtgeld

Over at Challenge Island, one can hop between locations using Sarah's Balloon service for the ticket price of a female miniature.  Here's my entry to hop from Cook's Crevasse on the west side of the island to Sanders Sandunes on the east coat.  It also serves as my "curtgeld"  or entry fee for the challenge and as such will be the prize for some unfortunate who completes the Snowlords Challenge.

I have two 28mm figures from Front Rank to serve as both my balloon ticket and my entry fee.  I don't have a whole bunch to say about these.  I really like Front Rank's figures, they paint up really nicely, and I had fun doing picture searches of Reynolds and Gainsborough portraits doing research on them. 

I'm not sure that Mademoiselle is having any of Monsieur's nonsense.

I intended these to be any generic Europeans.  However my better half (who has costume knowledge) informed me that the gold was more likely to be found on the French.

Funny perspective here.  It looks like M. is down on one knee from this angle.

Another stop on my island tour.

And another merit badge for my sash

I offer the above proof that my wife and I had a glass of prosecco last night in honour of the balloon ride, and because it was dang cold.  Unlike others in the Challenge I know where the champagne flutes are kept.

Points wise I believe this scores as
  • 2 28mm foot figures = 10 points
  • Curtgeld bonus =25 points
  • Sarah's Balloon Service =30 points
  • Bonus for prosecco =5 points
  • Total 70 points
Two other notes.  I will leave it to Curt to choose the short straw to see who gets these figures.  Also I would like balloon transport to Sanders' Sanddunes please.


  1. What a beautiful piece Peter, bravo.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Jonathan. How’s the leg treating you?

  3. Agreed. A few unusual civilian vignettes are interesting items to scatter around the table edges and introduce a uniqueness to any collection/army of painted figures.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes. I like to use them as mobile scenery or as scenario objectives on occasion
