
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Schnellenbach Campaign French Breifing

Summer 176x, somewhere in Hesse

A few days ago you were enjoying a fine chicken along with a glass of the local wine when an officer from one of the senior infantry regiments rides into camp.  You recognize him as being the Chevalier du Fosses, an Aide-de-camp to the army commander Broglie.

Captains St-Andre and Mohr, I have orders for you from le Marechal the Duc de Broglie.    We have information that the Allied army has plans to destroy a bridge over the Schnellenbach.  Le Marechal has plans to use this bridge to attack the Allied flanks and you are commanded to seize the crossing before the Allies can destroy it.

You will be accompanied by Monsieur FitzJames.  He gestures to a young officer from the Irish Brigade.  The officer in question is unfamiliar to you but the family name speaks of a bastard line of the exiled Stuart kings of England.   He has important tasks to complete that do not concern you at this time, except that you must ensure that he is able to complete these.

While FitzJames sees to his horse and belongings, Du Fosses speaks to you quietly.  Take care of the young wild goose.  He has the heart for battle but not the head yet.   Le Marechal wishes FitzJames to acquire some seasoning, and thinks that this is an ideal opportunity.  Let him think that he is acting independently.  His tasks may take him away from your column for a day or so which is fine as long as no enemy is in sight.  Perhaps for these periods you could allow him the loan of some Hussards or Chasseurs who can report back to you on his progress.  How ever, make sure to firm a firm grip on his reins once the enemy appears – especially if they are English.  He is keen to take revenge for the Boyne and Culloden in one afternoon.  But give him an opportunity to feel that he has played a significant role.

You can take three companies and a battalion gun of your regiment.  Le Marechal has arranged to attach some Chasseurs and a squadron of Hussards to your force. Use this purse plus your own resources and powers of persuasion to recruit additional companies, equipment and leaders to accompany you.  Fortunately Mohr is on excellent terms with the regimental quartermaster thanks to some “arrangements of mutual benefit” in the past, so equipment should be easy to obtain.  St. Andre can play upon his family name and connections in the army, plus some outstanding gambling IOUs, to attract additional officers (and their companies) to your adventure.

Travelling With FitzJames
The first of FitzJames tasks is to visit the Abbey at Michaelsberg in square 4.  You have travelled there and remain camped on the Abbey’s grounds while FitzJames goes about his task.  It is pleasant country and Bach was quite right about the quality of their vintages.

FitzJames is a Leader I as per the rulebook and will have his own command chit in the scotch bottle.  He gets distracted easily so his actions will be somewhat random and controlled by the GM.    If you are in command range with him, you can spend one of your activations to suggest how he should best focus his efforts.  Your odds will improve if you are in direct contact with him.

FitzJames has some signs of a privileged upbringing but is appears to be of more limited means currently.  He is quite well educated and has considerable charm and powers of persuasion.  You suspect that he must have quite an effect on women and speculate whether “Fitz” can be squared.    

During your travels he speaks passionately about the Stuart claims to the throne.  He wants to avenge his family name and you fear that he will attempt to do this at the first opportunity that he sees the flag of the “Hanoverian usurpers”.   His family’s hopes have been dashed many times, at Culloden in the last war and at Quiberon Bay in this war.  You suspect that they may be running out of wars to reclaim their throne.

Campaign Objectives
1.      Capture the bridge over the Schnellenbach intact
2.      Defeat the Allied force sent to counter you
3.      Allow FitzJames to complete his tasks.
4.      Keep FitzJames under control
5.      Give FitzJames the opportunity to earn his wings.  See the Blooding the Dauphinoise section in the rulebook.

Your Forces
Cambis Regiment
  • 3 companies (groups) of regulars
  • Level III leader
  • Level I leader

Bercheny’s Hussards

  • 1 squadron (group) of scouting cavalry
  • Level I leader

Fischer’s Chasseurs

  •  1 company (group) light infantry
  • Level I leader

 Regimental Artillery

  • One light gun and 5 crew
  • Lieutenant Lefebvre (Level I leader)

36 points of supports from the following list.  Note that some of the extras have additional effects in the campaign.  These have been marked with an asterisk.
 You can argue among yourselves as to who gets to play which role, but let me know your final decision.
St. Andre comes from an old military family.  His mother tongue is French but he speaks good German and some English.  Mohr is one of many German officers in the French army but speaks good French.
 FitzJames speaks impeccable French and English (think either Trudeau in either language) and basic German.
The Hussards speak Hungarian (actually Bercheny was Transylvanian but honestly who can tell the difference) as their first language and basic German and French.  Their officers may have better language skills.
 Fischer’s Chasseurs are a motley crew, but mostly German.  They have basic French and the officer may have better language skills.
The rest of the army is French but will have basic German.  Officers may have better German or English.
  Before you select your forces you can ask questions of du Fosses, your quartermaster, Bach or FitzJames.  Each will answer a limited (random) number of questions before becoming distracted, incoherent or frustrated.
You will start in Square 4 on the map on the morning of Monday July 20, 176x.

Points Per
French Regulars

French Grenadiers

Voluntaires de l'Armée
Engineering Group & Cart
Includes bridging equipment
Light Gun

Leader I

Leader II

Upgrade a leader
Per level
Doubles command range
Spirits & Tinder Box
Helps light fires
Holy Man*
See rules plus helps heal casualties
Each Specialist
Marksman, Dipper, Cracksman, Silent But Deadly
Unlimited cannister reloads during campaign
Water Cart
See rules
See rules plus helps heal casualties
Scout or Exploring Officer*
See rules, plus lower chance of getting lost plus scouting
Ammunition Cart
Allows reloads
Colour party
See rules
Mule train
One lot of water plus one of ammo


  1. Come up to Regina and it can happen. Perhaps when you come up to make Curt a wargames table?
