
Sunday, July 14, 2013

When Spouses Hobbies Have Common Goals

So long story short, I have a 9x5' wargaming table in my basement !!!!!!  And my wife likes it too!!! It's in the form of the old classic the folding ping pong table.

My wife and I have been clearing out our basement of accumulated stuff.  One of her goals was to clear enough floor space so that she could set up a table to hold quilts so that she could sew the batting and backing on the tops she has finished.  Having got to the point this weekend that that looked to be doable, we started a conversation about tables....

After a prior go through she had used my wargaming terrain boards (2" thick pink Styrofoam insulation) on top of a smaller table.  My old board had died and gone to the dump after a basement disaster so we had to price things out.  It turns out insulation prices have gone up and it would cost us $75 to buy enough foam for a 8x6 table (the size calculated to fit both quilting and gaming needs).  At this point Lynne says "gee a wonder how much a used ping pong table goes for?"

So you know where this is going I am sure but the sequence is...(the serendipity is quite marvellous at certain stages)

  1. A check of Kijigi showed a used table going for $10 provided we took it this weekend- the add was 29 minutes old.
  2. The table was owned by a long time sewer who bought it 40 years ago for her daughter but now used it for cutting cloth.  Daughter and family were in town for the weekend, clearing mum's house out so that she could downsize to a new apartment hence the need for speed.  Daughter could sell it since it was originally hers.  Mum was sorry to see it go but was happy it went to a sewer.
  3. Having no friends on quick call that both owned a truck and had a positive "favour" balance in our favour, we rented a Uhaul Pickup for $4 for "$19.99" OK $50 when you add in insurance, mileage charges and taxes.  Throw in $10 for gas and we're still under the cost of a flimsy Styrofoam table.
  4. The thunderstorms cleared away en route the table, sellers hubby had returned from the hardware store in table to disassemble the table and help us get it into the truck and our teenager arrived home from work just in time to help get the table downstairs.  
  5. This morning my daughter and I got the table together, but just as I was tightening joints a loose joint caused it to flip over and the half the table top came loose.  
  6. Quick use of and my daughter's new St John's ambulance training fixed my scraped knuckle, since I made my blood sacrifices to the gods of handy work when the table flipped.
  7. But quick use of my limited carpentry skills (I am mechanically declined) fixed the table.
  8. Bingo!!! 


  1. Awesome. So when do we get to game on this storied table? Your blood sacrifice has to count for some booking allowance... (Both you and Stacy need to stay away from tools and doorframes for awhile...)

    1. Curt
      The game will come soon (I hope). As for my handy skills -wel any job that still leaves me with partial use of my fingers is a win in my eye!


  2. Was the blood shed part of a purifying ritual?

    1. Sylvain

      You need to appease the house hold gods ... they get nasty if a proper sacrifice is not offered. Now the cooking goddesses often requires burnt offerings....



  3. I am deeply impressed! Well done sir.
