
Monday, June 18, 2012

A 200th Anniversary

So yes it was 200 years ago today that James Madison declared war on Great Britain to kick off the War of 1812.  Therefore, the Ministry of Truth (aka the CBC) has some good stuff on "the Current" today.  Different nations remember the war differently (or not at all) and historians debate who won and what long term consequences followed the war.  Me I just look up at the flag flying from my place of work and see that it's a Maple Leaf instead of the Stripes and Stars.

Part of the problem of course is that there were really a series of very different wars.  There was a mainly wilderness campaign fought in the old Northwest.  There was a game of invasion, raid and counter raid across the Niagara, Lake Ontario, St Lawrence frontier which saw a number of open field battles as well as sieges and amphibious landings all fought by a mix of regulars, militia and irregulars on both sides.  There was the Atlantic Campaign which saw raids by British Peninsula Veterans and Marines against local American forces.  And there was a a Naval war in which the RN won, despite  the USN winning a number of single ship victories.

As for me, I will focus on the Niagara, Lake Ontario and St Lawrence campaigns, painting figures for 1813.  And yes the uniforms changed every year!

Between garden work (delayed badly by rain), concerts, final exams and convocations I've also had some time at the painting table.  So far the count is:

British - 49th Foot (24 figures, painted and based with colour), Glengarry Light Infantry (8 figures painted and based, no colour)
American - 13th and 16th Infantry (each 16 strong, painted with colors but yet to be based)

Pictures to follow soon (I hope).


  1. "Painted and based, no colour".

    Reminds me of some WWII figures I saw once painted in monochromatic greys to look like a B&W movie.

    But I digress. Good to hear that there are figures painted and look forward to a peek.

    1. Tres drole...they are now in full colour and with a flag.

      I have played with those grayscale WWI figs. The effect is very well done.


  2. Currently on my painting table.

    My first 100 Russian Nap Infantry , 3 packs of 15 mm Old Glory Crusaders (2 Inf, 1 Cav) and an Essex 2.2 DBA Seleucid Army. Each at about 1/3 done.

    Good luck with the painting

    1. Sounds like you've got a full slate. What scale are the Nappys? Which year are you looking at?



    2. They are 15mm. A mix of Old Glory, Minifigs, but mostly Fantassin. They've been sitting around for about 8 years so I figured it was time to start to paint. I'm looking at 1812.

    3. Rob

      Eight years, that's nothing! I really love the old minifigs - they are less detailed but they paint up very well and give a real old school look.

