
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Barolo Campaign

I've taken up Bluebear Jeff's challenge, but been Steve the Wargamer has out marched me!  Here's my mini-campaign.


The fortress town of Montferrat (held by the Electorate) controls a major crossing over the Barolo River.  Montferrat cannot be attacked from the west due to the river frontage, but siege operations can approach from the south once the river is crossed.

The Empire forces represent a covering force with the mission of securing crossing points over the Barolo to the south of Montferrat and defeating the Electorate field army to the east of the river.  This will allow the siege train to safely cross the Barolo and open trenches to take the fortress.  Two crossing points have been selected at San Giorgio and La Morra.  The Electorate forces have taken some steps to prevent the crossing of the Barolo and are moving additional troops into the area.

1)    The Bridge at San Giorgio (Teaser 20 Reserve Demolition)

a)    Orient the map so that the Barolo River flows from the south to the north and Empire (red forces) approach from the west.  The Electorate (blue) forces follow the instructions in the scenario. 

b)   Outcomes:
i)      Empire (red) victory secures the crossing at San Giorgio.  Empire forces detach a garrison to hold San Giorgio and disperse in mop up operations, to attack Castelli di Gabbiano (Game 3) or support the main army at La Morra (Games 6, 7 or 8).  Electorate forces to the east of the Barolo retreat further eastward and regroup and join up with supports.  The reinforced Electorate counter attacks San Giorgio (Game 5).
ii)    Electorate (blue victory) denies the crossing of the Barolo.  The Empire brings up reinforcements and boat and tries again (Game 4)
iii)   Electorate forces stranded west of the Barolo retreat south to the Castelli di Gabbiano.  They can be isolated, but remain a threat to communications and are attacked in Game 3.

2)    Bridgehead at La Morra (Teaser 21 Bridgehead Breakout)
a)    The Map is correctly oriented.  Montferrat lies to the north and San Giorgio to the south.  The river flows northward.
b)   This represents the vanguard of the main Empire (Blue) forces and the main body of Electorate (red) troops in the Barolo region.
c)    Outcomes
i)      An Empire (red) victory results in a successful bridgehead and the retreat of the Electorate forces northwards.  The Empire follows up its success in Game 8.
ii)    An Electorate (blue victory) forces the Empire forces west of the Barolo.  If the Empire has won at San Giorgio (i.e. won Game 4 or 5), they regroup and shift their focus through the South road and move to Game 9.  Otherwise they try again at Falletto (Game 6).
iii)   A draw (the most likely outcome by far) sees the Empire retreat in good order to the prepared position at Fontenorro (Game 7).  However, if the Empire has won Game 9, they outflank the prepared position and move to Game 8.

3)    Castelli di Gabbiano (Teaser 13 Last Stand)
a)    Orient the map so that the Castelli lies on the eastern shore of the Barolo River. 
b)   The red garrison should be made up of the Electorate forces stranded at San Giorgio (if any).  The Empire (blue) forces should include some regiments from the San Giorgio action.
c)    Outcome:  once the garrison is overwhelmed the Empire regiments (less casualties) leave their own garrison and return to San Giorgio.

4)    Assault at San Giorgio (Teaser 19 Assault River Crossing)
a)    Orient the map with the positions X and Y on the eastern shore of the Barolo.  Adjust the terrain so that the village X closely resembles the town of San Giorgio from Game 1.
b)   Electorate (blue forces) at X and Y are fresh regiments, but the reinforcements should include regiments from the action in Game 1.
c)    Empire (red forces) should include regiments engaged in Game 1 plus reinforcements.
d)    Outcomes
i)      An Electorate (blue victory) will result in the termination of the southern attack at San Giorgio.  The opposing forces will result to trading insults across the Barolo and await the results to the north.
ii)    An Empire (red victory) will secure a crossing but allow the Electorate to retire in good order.

5)    Counterattack at San Giorgio (Teaser 16 Reinforcements off the Table)
a)    Orient the map with the point 2 on the eastern shore of the Barolo.  Adjust the terrain and replace the single building at the bridge with the town of San Giorgio from Game 1.
b)   Electorate (red forces) include regiments from the action in Game 1 plus fresh reinforcement
c)    Empire (blue forces) initially on table is composed of the garrison detached at San Giorgio from Game 1.  The blue reinforcements should include regiments in action from Games 1 and 3.
d)    Outcomes
i)      An Electorate (red victory) will result in the termination of the southern thrust.  The empire troops will hold San Giorgio or the west bank of the Barolo depending on the scale of the victory. 
ii)    An Empire (blue victory) will secure the crossing and see the end of serious Electorate resistance in the San Giorgio area.  The Empire moves sends  a column to Segharia (Game 9)

6)    Crossing at Falletto (Teaser 18 River Crossing)
a)    Orient the map with the town of Falletto on the west bank of the Barolo.
b)   The Electorate (red) forces on table at B and the reinforcements from C should come from refinements engaged at La Morra (Game 2).  The reinforcements from C should be refresh regiments.
c)    The Empire (blue) forces should include regiments engaged at La Morra plus fresh reinforcements.
d)    Outcomes
i)      An Electorate (red victory) will result in the termination of the siege campaign.  Having failed to cross twice with the main army, the Empire general should retire on fortifications provided by a bottle of strong Italian red wine!
ii)    An Empire (blue victory) will secure a crossing but allow the Electorate to retire in good order on Fontenoro (Game 7)

7)    Battle at Fontenoro (Teaser 1 Positional Defense)
a)    The map is correctly oriented with a tributary (the Asti) of the Barolo flowing southward.
b)   Electorate (blue) forces include regiments from La Morra (Game 2)
c)    Empire (red) forces also include forces from La Morra.
d)    Outcomes
i)      Electorate (blue) victory or draw halts the empire advance south of Montferrat.
ii)    Empire (red) victory allows for the siege to begin. 

8)    Battle of Montferrat (Teaser 15 Reinforcements on the Table)
a)    Orient the map so that the town (Montferrat) lies on the Northern edge.
b)   Electorate (blue) forces should include regiments engaged at La Morra.
c)    Empire (red) forces also include regiments from La Morra.
d)    Outcomes
i)      Electorate (blue) victory or a draw slows the empire advance south of Montferrat but allows for the siege to begin. 
ii)    Empire (red) victory allows for the siege to begin and catches the garrison at a disadvantage.

9)    Action at Segharia (Teaser 41 Chance Encounter –segharia is Italian for “sawmill” or so says babelfish)
a)    Orient the map 90 degrees clockwise so that the wall runs north-south.
b)   The Empire enters from the Southwest and the Electorate from the Northeast (after rotation)
c)    Empire regiments should come from the troops who originally attacked San Giorgio.  Electorate regiments should include some from San Giorgio plus reinforcements.
d)    Outcomes
i)      An Empire win allows the forces from the southern crossing to move north towards Montferrat. Depending on results at La Morra, move to Fontenorro (Game 7) or Montferrat (Game 8).  In either case, the Empire can draw on all of their regiments to fill their unit rosters for the game 8 or 9.
ii)  An electorate win or a draw halts the southern thrust be leaves the bridgehead securely under Empire control.


  1. Nicely thought out, Peter.

    However I believe that there is a typo in the results of the first battle. Under ii (Blue victory) shouldn't the result be Game 2 instead of 4?

    You might want to edit to correct this.

    Thank you though, Peter. This looks good and I hope that you had fun creating it.

    -- Jeff

  2. I'm going to have to paint more troops before I try this!

  3. Really nice. I've designed a flowchart to make it easier to play and follow the sequence of scenarios to play here: I also noted a few things that I have some doubts about from what I read in the campaign text. Also one typo in scenario 9: it's "segheria", not "segharia".
