
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Means ... University Exams

I'm spending the morning watching a class of 4th year students write a 3 hour final exam on construction of loss models.  Which of course means marking to come, but in this case it won't be bad as there are only 8 students in my class.  I have a second year class writing on the 20th, meaning 25 papers to mark in the days before Christmas.  All in all a fairly light load

Next term, however, will be an entirely different matter.  One of the classes I'm teaching is "Calculus for the Humanities and Social Sciences"...yep the first year calculus class for (mostly business )students who want to take the absolute minimum amount of calculus required to get there degree.  156 first year students on a class they don't want to take - fun times!


  1. "business students who want to take the absolute minimum amount of calculus required to get there degree"

    That's kinda sad, considering the way finance puts so much stock in quants.

  2. Exam invigilation. Most boring job in teaching. Shudder.

  3. Lentulus

    These are marketing students, HR types, telephone sanitizers and the like.


  4. X

    There are much worse ways of spending time than 3 hours of uninterrupted reading or writing time.


  5. Proves it to not being in a school an exam there, you invigilate. You aren't allowed to read or write, just watch.....

    Merry Xmas

