
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back on the Blogging Trail

And back at the hobby work bench too!  I've been largely dormant blog-wise for the summer, but with the Labour Day weekend behind us and first day of classes dead ahead it was time to get back at it.

Last night I hauled out my WW2 1:2400 ships and got some the unpainted ones clear of flash, assembled (where required) and based for painting.  There's two battleships (HMS Warspite and a Cavour class), two    AA cruisers (ex-WWI "C" classes) and 12 destroyers (3 each of "J/K", Hunt, Ciclone and Turbine classes).  I'm now at the point where I'll be repeating ship models in different scales  (I have a WW1 Warspite in 1:3000, and C class cruisers as well).  At least the ships were modified extensively between wars so that it's not complete deja vu all over again.

On the home front, the house and occupants survived the basement work.  This involved jackhammers in the basement so as to allow the steel bracing to be anchored into the floor, more jackhammers on the driveway and and yet more jackhammering to remove the concrete front steps.  We were feeling very much like Quasimodo (the bells the bells,..) by the end of it.  Plus we entertained the neighbour hood kids (and seniors) with the bobcat and mini-excavator used to dig the out foundations down to the footing.  It was looking like plates from Chris Duffy's "Fire and Stone" and some points - complete with drawbridge over the ditch to allow exit/entry via a sally port (ok the back door).

Having spent vast amounts of money to make the place look much, much worse than it used to, we're cleaning up the basement and hoping the grass seed we sowed takes before prairie winds low it away or winter hits.  Right now the "lawn" looks rather much like Passchendale.  The local Regina clay has amazing cling and clump properties (a local gardening expert describes it as having the consistency of frozen creamed cheese) and a walk across it leaves the soles of one's shoes with mud platforms that remind me of Elton John's Pinball wizard footwear.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,

    Welcome back! Glad to hear the 'Fire and Stone' exercise is bearing fruit! Do you have a time frame for the completion of said undertaking?

    Ships in multiple scales eh? I saw a very nice 1/1200th WW2 Warspite at a toy fair recently - the one I picked up the BMC pre dreads at - and was very tempted despite having the same in 1/3000th and previously in 1/1800th.

    I think it is a naval wargames conundrum to an extent but a pleasant one nevertheless. I am looking forward to seeing the end results in due course.

    All the best,

