
Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Trip to the Fabric Shop

I was out with my wife today and we stopped in at Fabricland - and what do you know but they had upholstery vinyl on sale 50% off (the stuff used for boat cushions etc).   So thanks to Lynne's membership I am now the proud owner of 3 metres of 1.4 metre wide indigo blue vinyl (thats 9.9x4.6 feet for our American friends who still choose to measure in terms of King's body parts).  I already had a smaller piece of the same fabric, and this appears in the photos of my model ships.  

I enlisted Lynne's eye for colour to help choosing between royal blue (a sunny Mediterranean sea) and the indigo (a more brooding sea on an overcast day).  Now the questions is to leave it solid blue or to highlight it to make it more like a moving wave-swept sea.  And then again, how to highlight it - odds on favourite for now would be sponging on white dapples.

Actually, it is slightly reflective giving some texture even small wrinkles show adding to the texture.  So I may leave it be for now.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, Marine Vinyl...discovered this last year at a Convention and was at the fabrix stor the next week with a coupon in hand. Very durable as well as transportable for covering multiple tables. I believe I have about the same size as you (9' x4.5')

    As for the crack about still measuring it is not so much about measuring in King's body parts as it is our independent spirit paying tribute to our glorius speration from the Empire. :)
